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Katy Wallymahmed – Mental Health Volunteering in Sri Lanka

7 Mar 2016

Mental Health Volunteering in Sri Lanka ...

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World Book Day Celebrations

4 Mar 2016

As part of our World Book Day celebrations a literary quiz was held in the Junior Hall on Friday 4th March. Eight teams took part-...

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Author Visit from Dan Smith

4 Mar 2016

Hot off the press is a report by Year 6 Junior Reporter, William B, on the recent visit of Dan Smith:...

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Medals for Brothers in Table Tennis Championships

4 Mar 2016

Congratulations to Max and Rhys Davies who both picked up medals in the Merseyside Schools Table Tennis Championships! Max was...

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New Library for Stanfield Children

3 Mar 2016

We are pleased to announce that MTPS Stanfield now has a new library. We would like to thank the PTA for their generous donation,...

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First Prize for Chloe in British Flute Society Competition

3 Mar 2016

Congratulations to Chloe Ellen Jones in year 10 who performed in The British Flute Society 2016 International Competition in...

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World Book Day Visit by Dan Smith

3 Mar 2016

World Book Day event...

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RAF Cup Winners 2016

3 Mar 2016

RAF Cup Winners...

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James Bamber – Cheque Presentation

2 Mar 2016

Back in February, our very own James Bamber, was announced as the winner of the Atheneaum Writing Prize. As well as winning £1000...

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Biathlon Success for Years 4 and 5

2 Mar 2016

On Thursday 4th February, year 4 and 5 visited Rossall School to compete in a biathlon. Firstly, the year 4s went to the swimming...

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Old Boy’s Sci-Fi Trilogy – John Standingford 1956-64

1 Mar 2016

Do you remember Image? It was the School’s first magazine for creative writing, the brainchild of English teacher Chris Price....

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