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A Level Art Trip to Edinburgh

1 Mar 2016

A Level art students enjoyed a specialist photolitho workshop at the world famous Edinburgh Printmakers with studio director...

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Year 8 Trip to Manchester Museum

1 Mar 2016

Many thanks to Mr Yates for this great video recording Year 8’s trip to Manchester Museum to take part in a Human Evolution...

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Merseyside Cross Country Championship

1 Mar 2016

Congratulations to the five Year 7&8 boys who competed in the Merseyside Cross Country Championship held at Arrowe Park on the...

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Hot off the Press! Welcoming our New Junior Reporters

1 Mar 2016

The newest recruits to the Junior Reporters’ Club, Year 3 pupils, Shamal, Joe and Sebastian, have just sent in...

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Harry Potter Book Night

1 Mar 2016

Children in Years 3 & 4 from around the area arrived for a thrilling Harry Potter themed night last week. MTGS was transformed...

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A ‘Dramatic’ Visit from Actor and Old Boy Arthur McBain

1 Mar 2016

Students rehearsing for the next major joint schools’ production, “Our Day Out”, received some professional...

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Superhero Hindu Art Costumes

1 Mar 2016

Inspired by fashion designer Aitor Throup ( Kasabian creative director, England football team kit designer and from Burnley),...

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‘Wrapping Liverpool in Love’ this Valentine’s Day

1 Mar 2016

This week the boys have been involved in a project to raise awareness of homeless people; in particular those in Liverpool. The...

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KidzFit Health and Fitness Workshop

1 Mar 2016

Stanfield pupils enjoyed a day of Olympic-inspired fitness workshops where they learned about the importance of exercise and...

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Merseyside Senior Geographical Association Quiz

1 Mar 2016

Congratulations to our two Year 10 teams who came 1st and 3rd in the Merseyside Senior Geographical Association Quiz. Pictured are...

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Year 6 Perform Samson Musical

29 Feb 2016

On Friday 26th February Year 6 performed Samson the Musical in front of an enthusiastic audience in the Williams Hall. It was a...

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Merchant Taylors’ Company Photographic Competition Winners

28 Feb 2016

Merchant Taylors’ Company Photographic Competition Winners 2015...

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