Art & Design

Creative and independent thinkers are encouraged to pursue the A Level course, which focuses firmly on the development of personal interests in Art that can be subsequently used to pursue careers in architecture, animation, graphic design, the fashion industry, textiles and advertising. Art also fosters research and analytical skills that complement a broad range of other A Level subjects.

The lively and vibrant Art department boasts excellent resources including a suite of Macs at the heart of the department which enable computer-aided design; facilities exist for collagraphic printing, textiles and there is a kiln to fire ceramics on site. A Level students are encouraged to work in the department in private study periods and at lunchtime, when guidance continues to be offered by members of the department through clinics and Art Club.

Art Students are encouraged to display their work in local exhibitions and national competitions. Their artwork is displayed around the school for us to admire and to inspire our future artists.